A Glimpse into My Abhyaz Internship

08.02.24 10:20 AM - By user01


Greetings! My name is Mohit Naithani, I am sharing my experience as a Data Analyst Intern at Abhyaz. This internship provided a captivating journey into the analytics world, allowing me to explore my passion for working with data.

Internship Experience:

My time at Abhyaz involved various projects that not only challenged but also refined my data analysis skills. The strategic use of tools like Zoho Analytics, Zoho CRM, Zoho Workdrive, and Zoho Survey & Forms played a pivotal role in navigating diverse datasets and extracting valuable insights.

Projects Worked On: 

1. Account & Contact Mapping: Initiating the scraping of institutional and organizational data, I meticulously organized and uploaded it into the CRM system, providing insights into the organizational landscape.

2. Zoho Form Creation: Crafting a user-friendly Zoho form streamlined daily work updates for interns and mentors, seamlessly integrated into Zoho Sheets for comprehensive analysis.

3. Zoho Survey Form: Creating an Intern Requirement Survey on Zoho, seamlessly integrated with Zoho Sheets, streamlined resource allocation, and automated HR responses for an expedited recruitment process.

4. Abhyaz Asset Utilization Dashboard: I improved the dashboard by updating it with visualizations, providing useful insights to optimize asset usage.

5. CNCTrain Asset Utilization Dashboard: Valuable efforts were dedicated to converting intricate data into clear visual insights, enabling the management team to make well-informed decisions.

6. Managing the Zoho CRM updation process:  I took charge of handling outdated products, ensuring precision in data and improving the overall efficiency of organizational product management.

Skill Development and Learning: 

The Abhyaz internship significantly enhanced not only my technical skills but also adaptability, problem-solving, and communication. Engaging with industry-standard tools and real projects expanded my analytical abilities, preparing me for the challenges in data analytics.


In summary, my internship at Abhyaz was transformative, reinforcing my enthusiasm for data analytics. The hands-on projects, invaluable mentorship, and cutting-edge tools empowered me to navigate complex datasets and derive meaningful insights. I express immense gratitude to Abhyaz for contributing to my growth as a more skilled and insightful data analyst.

Special Gratitude:

I sincerely appreciate Mrs. Sashi Sairaman for this opportunity and express gratitude to my mentors, Mr. Chetan Huilgol, Mr. Krishnakumar Thangamani, and Ms. Keethy Thankan.

Thank you for being a part of my internship journey at Abhyaz. Remain curious, continue exploring, and harness the potential of data!
