Launching CoE's - Providing Excellence in AMT - 2

27.09.23 01:27 PM - Comment(s)

MTC setting up Engineering Centre's of Excellence 

What Exactly is the 'Centre's of Excellence'?

Centre of Excellence (CoE) is a counsel that provides skill training, professional practices, research, support and development in specific sectors. With the aim of continuous supplying of skilled workforce by bridging skill gaps and giving training for the industrial need. 


As a result, to become the best learning service provider, MTC has ventured into the next chapter by setting up Large Engineering Centers of Excellence. Industries have evolved daily and new innovations and technologies come into progress at an astonishing rate. MTC realizes the right thing to do for sustaining in the fast paced industry is to stay up with technological advancements and set up multiple CoE's.

Each CoE has a flawless pattern with Skilled Trainers, Hardware and Software which to be installed for training purpose, Learning Contents and Learning Management Systems (LMS) to enrich the learner to excel in specific areas of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (AMT) like CNC, Robotics, Automation and technologies related to Industry 4.0.

Installing Learning Management Systems:

Soon, MTC transformed from traditional face-to-face learning to digital education for the remote framework of training. These digital transformations give easy accessibility and an enriched learning experience for the participants. It includes Learning Content Management Systems, Training Asset Tracking Systems, Trainer Development and Management Systems and Customer Stakeholder Management Systems.

Skillon 365 LMS:

In 2019, MTC launched the SKILLON 365 LMS, offering over 1500 hours of manufacturing courses, providing remote education and training for the learners from academic institutions and corporate clients. Courses offered by the SKILLON 365 includes CNC, Robotics, PLC, Mechatronics, Automation, Smart Factory and IoT, and adaptable to any LMS. These courses have been developed in collaboration with top rated companies specializing in Manufacturing and Automation, providing course level from Fundamental to Advanced in Programming and Operation Techniques.


It's an Interactive training tool with animation, audio, video, text and practical examples, providing students with a better understanding of the subject, can apply concepts in their course assessments and building skills for the industrial scenarios. Courses included built-in knowledge checks in each module that allows the learners to assess their understanding at the end of the module. With just Internet Connection, a learner can access the course at any time in a day which makes the learning experience more convenient and doorstep accessible resource.


After launching multiple CoE's and Skill Hubs, MTC's digital capabilities evolved gradually but in the meantime the world faced Covid - 19..!


Stay tuned to explore how MTC faced and overcame challenges during the pandemic period and will catch up MTC's journey towards Covid in our next story
