
Blog by Milena

SEO Portfolio - Keywords Selection: How to do it? 

Search engine optimisation …  what a wonderful marketing technique! If you are a marketer, you certainly heard about it. In short, it is a marketing branch that aims to improve website visibility in search engine. How? It is all about content creation, keyword optimization and links building....

05 Sep 2023 04:44 PM - Comment(s)
Digital Marketing Internship - Abhyaz experience

Hello everyone !

My name is Milena and I’m from Belgium. I did a one-month Digital Marketing internship with Abhyaz. And in this article, I will describe to you my experience.

Let’s start with my tasks!

During this traineeship, I got the opportunity to produce blog articles, to work on website keywords...

22 Nov 2022 05:28 PM - Comment(s)
Online internships are attractive experiences, which evolve year by year. At the same time, they also generate several questions and doubts. So, at the end is it interesting to take part in this type of training? Read this article and discover the advantages and challenges of those projects.
09 Nov 2022 05:55 PM - Comment(s)
